Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Time of Thanksgiving

 Hi everyone! 

Celebrating a birthday together 

This month flew by so quickly! It was a good month that instilled a lot of growth for not just the students but also for myself. 

To start, we finished out or put on pause the majority of our classes. Financial stewardship was the one class that we finished as we headed on to learn how to start a budget, how different insurances work, investing in the stock market, and credit cards. A lot of what I learned in this class was helpful, but was and is, on a personal level, kind of hard to grasp. 

We put our Spiritual leadership and Maturing with Mandy classes on pause for the semester. However, we are still practicing our spiritual disciplines and learning about axiom (sayings in our community). 

The Spiritual discipline that I have been working on is iconography. Though I have had my skepticism of this, it is interesting to learn about how icons are meant to be a visual aid of worship. They are supposed to be our visual reminders of who Jesus is and there so much that goes into it as well. From the process of painting the icon to the finished product, everything has some kind of significant meaning. Personally, it is kind of hard to understand, but as I learn more about it, it is kind of starting to make sense. 

Richland Focus

This month Richland spent time in Deuteronomy 6:4-7, but more specifically in verse 5: Love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. With this verse, we wanted to engage our students with scripture and think about what it means to love God with all these aspects of their being. Throughout the month we through each one, and with each one the students were receptive and it makes me hope for the next semester!. 


I ask that you pray for the students that are going on break soon and that they rest well, for our ministry that this next semester we continue to minister well to them. 

Special Thank You! 

I don't know how many you donated to our KFG fundraiser, but I wanted to say thank you for donating! Thanks to those of you that have donated we were able to raise this much and can continue doing the best we can for our students. We couldn't have gotten here without you and God! He is good! 

Also, thank you for being apart of my support team and continuing to support me! I look forward to telling you about the next few month of my ministry!